Food & Drink Maintenance Services

Logo Design

Food & Drink Maintenance Services

What she does
This company provides maintenance services for Food and Drink provisions, based in Moulton, but for the whole surrounding area.

What we covered
Logo Design

Moulton, Lincolnshire, UK

food and drink logo

How it all started

Lewis contacted us asking for ideas for a new logo for his local business.  He needed it to work on a dark background (for clothing and his vehicles), plus to have a ‘VW’ feel about it, with the badge style.

Our Graphic Wizard Fiona got right on it, and came up with a few designs for Lewis.  After a few changes, and weekend thinks, this was the final draft, that Lewis is happily moving forward with, and to use possibly in other ventures with us.

logo food and drink

Enjoying creating something fresh and new for Lewis, and looking forward to seeing this out on the road.

Simon, Director

Our Solution

Clean Design

A lovely modern logo, using Lewis’ preferred colours, to show a quality brand, with a style font.