Downhams Mini Breaks

Caravan Mini Breaks

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downhams mini breaks

Downhams Mini Breaks

What they do
A family run business, that privately owns caravans across two locations, to sample some of the most stunning and exciting resorts, while staying in top quality accommodations.

What we covered
Website Design, Website Hosting, WordPress Support, WordPress Maintenance

Skegness, Lincolnshire, UK

Would highly recommend. I asked this company to design a website for my holiday homes. I wanted some very complicated features added and a long list of my ideas included. Simon absolutely exceeded my expectations. Thank you Simon.Shirley, Owner, Downhams Mini Breaks

How it all started with Downhams

Shirley rang us up some time ago, with various plans for her business.  It was all very manual, and she wanted it to be as automated as possible.  With the means to take deposits, bookings online, and more.

They have very specific setups, and we tried a few methods, but it took a few changes to really get it spot on for them, giving them 100% total control over every booking date available, as well as the price for any booking.  So they could change any date or price, at any time.

They needed total flexibility.

The result is a website that looks terribly modern and we feel, stands out from the others.

Not only was the website build to my exact needs, it was built quickly and up and running in no time.

Shirley, Downhams Mini Breaks

Our Solution

We had many options up our sleeve for this project.  One was a Booking Tool that fixed all the days and booking times, because of their “change over” days.  But this led to issues with being able to tweak any given date range at any time.

So we opted for a tool that allowed the owners to totally manage all the date ranges manually.   This means more “up front” work for them, but that they had full control over it all.

We also enabled a Deposits tool, so that those booking did not have to pay the full fee up front.
Research went into other booking websites of this kind, to see if we could create a similar feel, or improve on it.  We always strive to do better!

The result is a website that is dynamic, looks terrific on all devices, and the owners are really saying it is “fabulous”.

downhams breaks website mobile
downhams breaks website tablet