Combat Zone Events

Paintball and Combat Events in Lincoln

The Brief

Julian from Combat Zone Events in Lincoln got in touch with us, needing a drastic overhaul of his website.  It was originally done in WordPress, but not up to the best of standards.

The design was kind of broken and looking very dated, and he had a Government Grant to push ahead with something far better.

He needed the site to be more responsive, a better design, better SEO and just more dynamic to look at, considering the service he offers – just more vibrant.

He knew of our reputation with hobby and Airsoft Website Design, so got in touch about having a new website

Our Solution

We immediately copied the site over to our server, revamped the theme design it was using, but not taking the ‘header’ too far away from the existing look and feel.  But it did have some very big SEO problems that we resolved immediately.

Ideas were already in place on what to do, and we quickly jumped into action on the design work.
With his textual copy, photography and our design and hosting skills, we have got him something he is now very proud to own.

It is a website with movement, mostly their own photography, and more information about the various aspects of his business.

You can visit their website here:


Lincoln, Lincolnshire