Cheltenham Food & Drinks Festival

Outdoor Festival

The Brief

John from Garden Events Ltd, that runs these shows, got in touch with us one weekend about their Cheltenham Food and Drinks Festival website.  It had issues with errors, and some outgoing email problems.

With little knowledge of WordPress, they came to us for help.

Our Solution

We got access to the website, and looked into the various issues at hand.  Researching the errors codes, it was clear the problem was with an internal plugin.  A migration of the website to our hosting went ahead, temporarily.  It means we could have a staging version setup, disable plugins and see if we could ascertain the exact cause.

It was clear that the issue was in the plugin that handles some sensitive information, and as such the developers of this plugin were able to resolve it fully.

We continue to be on hand for WordPress Support should John need us.


Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
