Call Connect @ Lincs Bus

Lincolnshire Call Connect bus service
Call Connect
lincs bus call connect

Back in 2018 we were hired by Maria at Lincolnshire County Council’s Lincs Bus department.  They wanted our WordPress Training services to the team at Call Connect.  We spent the day with them, going through every part of WordPress that they had issues with.  A ‘running order’ was in place, but we altered it to go down their own route of what they specifically needed to learn.

It was a very productive day.  Certain things we taught them now saves them a lot of time as well.  Since then, the manager of the department has asked us to provide further assistance with their website, and this is leading to a major project for us.

We are very proud to be working with the team at Lincs Bus on the Call Connect project which is a Bus Service throughout Lincolnshire and beyond, providing an amazing service.  The team there is working with us at 79DESIGN on an exciting project which we hope to fully announce in the month’s to come.  Needless to say, we are so proud, and frankly honoured to have been chosen to work on this.

Lincoln, Lincolnshire

Services Provided