123 Bride

Bridal Services Directory
Andover, Hampshire

Lisa from 123 Bride got in touch with us about her website.  She had quite a number of problems with it, including plugin issues, hosting performance, and general SEO concerns.  We had a lovely conversation on the phone with her, to understand all her issues.  And even with us ‘waffling on’ a little about what we could do, and fixing issues we talked about, she enjoyed it and said she “took it all in”.

Our first task was to move the site over to our platform, so we can better manage and support it.  Our Website Hosting has considerable power, particularly over the ‘cheap website hosting’ services that are out there.  We prefer to provide quality hosting.

Then we started on the SEO which is of course, a continual process, and we are very happy and proud to be working for Lisa on this project for her.

You can see the website here: https://www.123bride.co.uk.