1 Stop Spas

Hot Tub Retailer

1 Stop Spas

What they do
UK Retailer and supplier of professionally designed, and installed Spas

What we covered
WordPress Support, WordPress Services, WordPress Migration

Sleaford, Lincolnshire UK


1stop spas website

How it all started

Mark from 1 Stop Spas got in touch with us about their website.   Need possibly better hosting, with WordPress Support and SEO work on their website.  After some initial checks we could see it had quite a number of issues.  We had a video call, to go through things, bit of a Q&A, and then it was decided to start work.

Terrific job, thanks so much for you swift action.

Mark, Marketing Officer, 1 Stop Spas Ltd

Our Solution

Job one was to setup improved hosting, with greater RAM and CPU power, and to migrate their website to that platform.  Then we had to tweak their DNS of course, following by internal checks of their website.  This work has now begun, and we look forward to bringing them greater services.

1stop spas website
1stop spas website