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How do I add my Email to my iPhone?

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Adding email to your iPhone or other such devices is relatively easy, but we are here to help if you have problems.

Go to Settings >Passwords & Accounts

email settings

account settings

Add Account > Other

account settings

Add Mail Account > Other

email settings

email settings

Name: this is like “Jane Doe”.
Email: the email you wish to add
Password: the password we gave you, or you requested us to assign
Description: This is what appears in your Mail App – ie. “JaneDoe Inc”.

email settings

New Account screen


  • Host Name: (tho if it is different, we will tell you)
  • Username: your email address
  • Password: your password


  • Host Name: (tho if it is different, we will tell you)
  • Username: your email address
  • Password: your password

What if it goes wrong?

We have had times on Apple devices where the SSL certificate has issues.  Here’s what to do.
First – check your details are all correct.

Go to:

  • Settings > Passwords & Accounts
  • Scroll down to the account and tap on it
  • Then on the small screen, tap on ‘Account: {email address}’
  • A window will swipe upward.  Scroll down and tap on ‘SMTP’.
  • Tap on the PRIMARY SERVER at the top
  • Double check your password is correct, and change Server Port to 25.
  • Once you tap ‘Done’ you should see a row of blue ticks – its worked!